I need to start with an apology. You may (or may not) have noticed I’ve been a bit MIA for a while. I’m sorry for that. I had a small problem, that was then made significantly worse by a reaction to pain medication. While I’m told I was entertaining I’m not sure I’d have been all that helpful or informative 🙂

In fairness I also react to drinking a cup of green tea at times, while I might look like a big bruiser, I’m terribly sensitive on the inside 🙂 (to drugs at least – yup even caffiene)

Not being able to move my eyes or head made typing somewhat problematic, as I’m sure you can imagine, hence the lack of new posts. I’m well on the way to recovery now, so lets get cracking shall we!

I had an email from a client the other day asking me about something she could see on her horses hooves. After replying to her, it occurred to me that this may well be a question many of you have pondered, and the answer could well be useful. So here it is…


The question was: What are those weird lines? Is that a stretched white line?

Here was my response:

The weird lines are the insensitive laminae.


Stretched white lineSee in that photo the way the white line (yellowy line 3rd in) blends in with the inner wall (white bit in between the outer wall and white line)? Those white tenticaly things that join them are the insensitive laminae – that’s how the inner wall grows so it can attach on to the sensitive lamanie.

When the wall gets long, because the white line is softer, and wears away more easily (which it’s supposed to – stop worrying you loon!) you’re left with seeing the tentacly bits on the inside wall of the inner wall. If she didn’t have them there’d be no way for the wall to attach to the internal structures in the hoof.

In short – it’s all normal – and well done for noticing – most people don’t 🙂

After writing that it occurred to me I might be wrong – maybe most people do notice, but just don’t ask the question… Of course, if your horse is shod, you won’t have the opportunity to see it anyhow unless you get to take a peek while your farrier is working.

Is this something you’ve seen in your horses hooves? It may not necessarily be there. Have a look next time you’re picking the feet out? Tell me all about it…

Have you seen this before but you didn’t know what it was? Did you already know what it was? Is it not there? (and that’s ok too) Have you just noticed it now you know what you’re looking for? Tell me in the comments below.


Hoof Geek Guide: Infection Free Hooves

Get realistic advice, practical guidance and simple explanations for the most common and problematic hoof infections.

  • What causes infection, and how to manage it 
  • Remedies that really work, and what to avoid!
  • How to tell when you might need to change your environment
  • When you should just stop worrying…

There's loads of full colour photos so you can spot infection problems easily and plenty of examples of healthy hooves too, so you know what you're aiming for.

You should be feeling more confident and in control in no time at all.

About the author

Debs is a practicing Equine Podiatrist with over 15 years experience, author, and educator.

She’s here to show you how to simplify your horse’s management painlessly so you feel in control and have a straightforward system that works for you.

When she’s not working you can find her playing with her own horses, watching geeky sci-fi or baking epic cakes.

  • That area on my horse’s feet have become very indented, more so than I’ve ever previously noted. Do I need to worry?

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